Mental Causes of Erectile Dysfunction Other ED Treatments While pills are most likely what you will be using as erectile dysfunction treatment, there are other treatments, as well. Sleep problems Stress, anxiety, or relationship problems Erectile dysfunction is largely treatable. These include itraconazole Sporanox, Tolsura , ketoconazole Extina, Ketozole, others and ritonavir Norvir. If you feel overly stressed or frustrated , for whatever reason, that can negatively affect sexual performance. Our expert team has helped develop new minimally invasive and robotic surgical procedures to treat cancers, incontinence, and more. Fluid can then be released using a valve implanted into the scrotum. Inflatable Penile Implant During inflatable penile implant surgery, your urologist inserts inflatable cylinders into your penis.Miami urologist and ED specialist David Robbins, MD is one of the pioneering urologists in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and South Florida offering shock wave therapy for ED. Click . The four main medicines taken by mouth for erectile dysfunction are: Avanafil (Stendra). Sildenafil (Viagra). Tadalafil (Cialis). Vardenafil. These medicines are called Missing: miami. Contact us today. New Patients: Established Patients: Request an Appointment. Erectile dysfunction is when a man has trouble becoming or staying .